Posts By: Sarah Koriath


Now that Spring is here, at Compass Rose Events, we are excited to see the return of live events on the horizon for the Summer and Fall of 2021, and employee appreciation has never been more important than it is right now!  We have been welcoming back staff, ramping up our production capacity, refreshing inventories,… Read more »

Adapting and Changing the Way We Do Business – Creating the Event in a Box

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for businesses across the country.  Some of the worst hit are the entertainment, hospitality and food service industries.  All of which are categories Compass Rose Events falls under. There are capacity restrictions and social distancing guidelines in effect which currently prohibit large groups of people from assembling… Read more »

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Many American businesses are longing to move forward with their company events in order to thank or celebrate with their employees.  Perhaps because they have a history of doing so every year, perhaps because their teams have been on the frontline, working harder than ever or perhaps because being able to celebrate together will send… Read more »

6 Simple Ideas for Thanking Essential Workers

As America slowly begins the process of reopening, many of us are asking, how can I thank the essential workers who remained out in public, exposing themselves and their families to risk of contracting the coronavirus, so that others could buy groceries and necessities, collect mail and packages, or receive medical care? Here are six … Read more »

Menu Planning for a Large Group

We all know, one of the most important factors of any event is the FOOD!   However, pleasing all your event guests, especially when dealing with a very large crowd, can be tricky.  Every guest has their own preferences and some have strong aversions to or even allergies to specific foods. Here are some things to… Read more »

COVID-19 Leads to Creative Uses for Our Event Equipment and Services

We are open and ready to support your needs in this unprecedented time.   Compass Rose Events is already hard at work with our customers in Manufacturing, Food Production, Public Utilities, Healthcare and more.   Our event and logistic equipment is being put to use to support facilities and teams as America returns to work in new,… Read more »

Postpone Your Event…Not Your Planning.

Directives to temporarily avoid large crowds and gatherings are not exactly what an event company that specializes in large attendances wants to hear…But we are confident that with all the precautions and proactive steps being put into place, the United States will come through.   We are in constant communication with our clients and the… Read more »