Learn More About Our Early Order Advantage Program
Take advantage of Compass Rose Events’ Early Order Advantage Program (EOA) for 2019!
Here are the benefits of booking early….
Preferential Date Selection
As you have found, event dates fill up quickly! The EOA program gives you the opportunity to select your preferred date before anyone else has.
Popular Equipment Lock-In
We have several new and exciting offerings for 2019! The EOA program allows you to reserve some of our most popular and new products and attractions before they sell out.
Preferential Pricing
The EOA program locks in our current pricing. We are also offering longer term contract agreements (2 years or more) that allow you to lock in current pricing for a multiyear program.
Do not worry about having all of your changes made in order to meet the EOA deadline. As always, you have complete latitude to change your event’s offering right up till 2 weeks prior to your future event date. One of our core values is uncompromised client care, so, Compass Rose Events prides itself on its ability to be flexible with our client’s needs and provide the highest level of quality & services in our industry.